After just 3 weeks and a fantastic reception I've received several great comments/ testimonials!
From Stef: "Soap is fantastic! I've only used it for 1 day & eczema on my hands have healed nicely! Itch gone completely! "
From Lisa: "That soap is awesome! ! ! Kyle loves it too... we’ll def. Get more, and Kavita wants to try a bar too when the next shipment come in"
From Mike: "Amazing ABS! Smells good, builds up a pnenominal lather and is great as a shampoo"
Just one more week remaining on our special - Order now and be the first one on your block to ride the wave .... "Out of Africa .... naturally!!!"
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From Stef: "Soap is fantastic! I've only used it for 1 day & eczema on my hands have healed nicely! Itch gone completely! "
From Lisa: "That soap is awesome! ! ! Kyle loves it too... we’ll def. Get more, and Kavita wants to try a bar too when the next shipment come in"
From Mike: "Amazing ABS! Smells good, builds up a pnenominal lather and is great as a shampoo"
Just one more week remaining on our special - Order now and be the first one on your block to ride the wave .... "Out of Africa .... naturally!!!"